When Should You Stop Traveling While Pregnant With Twins

You do not have to lock yourself up in your house the moment you find out you are pregnant for fear of miscarrying, especially if you have been trying for a long time.

It is generally safe for pregnant women to travel even when they are carrying twins. However, there are certain factors and limitations that you must consider before you go on the road or fly long distance when traveling while pregnant with twins. Here are some of them.

  1. Your condition

Always check with your midwife or doctor first before you travel. It is important that you understand the risks. Remember, your health and your baby's health should be the main priority. Consider how far along you are and if your pregnancy is considered as a high-risk.

Women who are considered high-risk are those who have previous miscarriages, those who are carrying twins or multiples, and those with certain medical conditions that need to be closely monitored.

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  1. Travel arrangements and itineraries

If you need to travel for work, to attend an event, or you just need to have a relaxing vacation somewhere and after getting a go-ahead from your midwife or doctor, make travel arrangements that best suits you and plan your itineraries accordingly.

Travelling can be stressful if you are not comfortable, and including extreme activities in your itineraries that can put your baby at risk should be avoided.

  1. Proper preparations

Are you fully prepared to travel even when you are pregnant? Do you feel physically okay? Do you know where to find the nearest healthcare facility at your destination? Do you have an insurance that covers any emergency event during your travel? Is your destination safe from infectious diseases?

You should know all the answer to these questions and other information about your destination before you even pack your bag.

Possible Risks

Here are some possible risks that you should know before you travel.

  1. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

This is a health condition where a blood clot forms in any deep vein of the leg. This can cause pain, swelling, inflammations, and other conditions. If you are pregnant, the risk of having deep vein thrombosis is higher.

Long car trips and flying long distance make you stationary for a long period of time, which can put you at higher risk of DVT.

  1. Preterm labor and birth

Airlines have certain restrictions in terms of allowing pregnant women to travel. Most do not allow pregnant women to board the train especially when they are near their due date because of the risk of going into labor and giving birth while on the plane.

There is no medical facility or an expert care provider available to assist you when that happens. You are lucky if there is a doctor on board.

If you are carrying twins or multiples (no matter the type), you have a higher risk of going into preterm labor and birth. Your doctor or midwife might not allow you to travel international or long distance because of your condition.

  1. Pregnancy discomforts especially with twins or multiples

It is hard to make and grow a human being inside the womb. Although it is something you have been waiting for a long time, it is not exactly the most comfortable journey.

Imagine feeling so ill and nauseous or having the urge to pee every hour while you are on the road or on a 20-hour flight to another continent. Not addressing these problems may result in a lot of stress and feeling more ill.

It is believed that symptoms are generally worse when you are pregnant with twins or multiples. Consider this before deciding to travel to avoid stress. Stress and pregnancy do not go together.

  1. Radiation

Cosmic radiation usually comes from the outer space. It is composed of high-energy particles that can be very dangerous when you get too exposed. The risk is very low on the ground but it increases as the altitude rises.

A single flight does not expose you to this radiation. However, the risk is higher if you are a frequent flyer or you work as a cabin crew.

  1. Weather and infectious diseases

A sudden change of weather condition can make you sick. Aside from making sure you are aware of what the weather will be like in your destination, you should also know if there are current diseases or a new epidemic prevalent in that place or country.

This will better equip you on what to do, what to bring, or if you have to change your plans altogether.

When to Travel

First Trimester

If you are in the early stage of pregnancy, your hormones are on the rage. This can cause you to feel the peak of all your pregnancy symptoms that may result in a lot of discomforts during your travels.

However, if you are one of the lucky ones who does not suffer from most pregnancy symptoms and on top of your health with a go-ahead from your doctor, then go ahead and book that ticket.

Second Trimester

The ideal time for pregnant women to travel is during mid-pregnancy or second trimester. If you are like most women, you will notice that your nausea is waning and you are regaining your energy. Your appetite is better, fatigue is quite manageable, and there is a lesser urge to pee.

If you are planning a babymoon with your spouse or partner, it is best to schedule it in the second trimester. You should take this time to have a break and relax before the baby arrives. However, you still have to be fully prepared and careful.

Third Trimester

You are in your last trimester and only a few weeks away from welcoming your baby. This is the time where you should be really careful when traveling, especially if you are carrying twins or multiples.

You can probably still travel around or in nearby cities from where you live, but your doctor or midwife might not allow you to travel a long distance or fly internationally. This is for you and your baby's safety.

What to Prepare

  • Water – It is important to stay hydrated at all times when you are pregnant.
  • Snacks – eating small meals throughout the day can help ease nausea. Bring snacks like crackers or fruits when traveling for a long period of time.
  • Medical records – always bring your medical records including a medical certificate from your doctor when you are traveling.
  • Insurance – make sure your insurance covers any emergency event during your travels.
  • Medications – always bring your prenatal vitamins and other medications when you travel.
  • Vaccinations – protect yourself and your unborn child from any viruses or diseases that you might catch in your destination. Get a flu shot and anti-malaria or Zika virus protection before you leave.
  • Comfortable clothes – Bring the most comfortable and appropriate clothing when traveling. Include compression stockings that you can wear to avoid DVT.


You can still continue living your life when you are pregnant. Pregnancy is not a disease. However, travelling in your condition requires a bit more thought and planning.

Always consult your doctor or midwife first before travelling. Refer to this post and follow the guidelines mentioned above. If you have any questions about traveling while pregnant with twins or multiples, feel free to leave a message.

When Should You Stop Traveling While Pregnant With Twins

Source: https://www.twinstuff.com/traveling-while-pregnant-with-twins/

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